Thursday, June 19, 2008

Making things CLEAR as Water not Petrol!

I really wanna make things clear on a subject that has been going on recently on the SPAM channel.

It says "STOP buying from Petronas....STOP TODAY! THIS IS NOT THE 'DON'T BUY' PETROL FOR ONE DAY, BUT IT WILL SHOW YOU HOW WE CAN GET PETROL BACK DOWN TO RM1.92 PER Litre.... This was originally sent by Phillip Hollsworth, a retired Coca Cola executive. If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to go up & up, PLEASE join with us! With the price of gasoline going up, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their petrol! So, DON'T purchase ANY petrol from Petronas, the biggest price-up driver company. If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow"

Okay, this is complete BS guys. I'm not saying this randomly or anything cause i've checked the facts and have concluded this thing is a COMPLETE BS !!!! Anyone that believe this crap is STUPID ! WHY ?

1. Petronas is only obeying the price that was given by the government. Petronas are buying the petrol at market price and selling them to the public at a lower price than the market price and the government is paying the rest of the money by using the word "subsidies". So when the government is reducing the subsidies of course the price will go higher.

2. Petronas are not the one controlling the global market price of petrol. If that is true wont Malaysia be a pretty rich country by now ? Its stupid to think that a company that only have a 700 oil station in our country can dominate the world market when SHELL has 1200 petrol station in our country.

3."The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their petrol!" this statement has many faults in it. They wont be able to hit the 'pocketboocks'. Why ? because Petronas are getting the money from the government, as i said "subsidies" so their profit and loss wont be greatly affected. The people that would be affected by this move are the people that depends on the sell at the petrol station. Which are the station managers, suppliers to the mini mart in the station, small businesses that is conducted there, yatatatatata. and the list goes on. Really..... if you are boycotting the petrol station you are also making a lot more people to suffer from those actions.

I would like to post more reasons but to make matters easier you guys that believe those spam crap should google the so-called Philip Hollsworth. You would get alot of results, and one of them is this --->

You can see its something that has been going on sometime now and is only a hoax.

Another things about this issue that pisses me off is that the government ( or rather the guy called "K*****" ) is trying to shift the blame to the Petronas from the government. FACT is that the entity that controls the fuel prices is the government. If you are thinking that the price is controlled by a company rather than the government here in this country, than you really need to read more and get your fact straight.

I also did some thinking and thought to myself. " Are there people that would take advantage of this situation ?" and i concluded YES ! The DAP is trying to take control of the Petronas company for themselves by forging facts here and there, putting the blame on others, so that the image on Petronas company that is a MALAY runned company would be a failure and than take the initiative to make the company theirs, but you also must realize that, if a company is a failure why would it still be so SUCCESSFULL till today ?? Well this is all a conjucture on my part but if you think about it, it might be true.

...... and there you have it ! At least one thing is out of my head now. FuHH~

From here on you are free to think what you want. I wont say that what i wrote is 100% fact because it really is isn't. Some are conjecture made on observation and thinking, isn't that what a HUMAN BEING should be doing anywayz ? We are not the type to jump in on the first bandwagon to DEMONSTRATION and BLAMESVILLE and such, unless your human brain was removed and changed with a monkey brain !!!

Okay that is enough out of me for now. Next time its gonna be something else that has been plaguing me deep INSIDE !


teddy said...

YEs that right!! Get the facts right!!
I wonder how long this blog will last?

NeoLeeCarbon said...

hahaha why do you ask how long ?? wakakakka !!

F_Mal said...

right. blaming Petronas is Not The waY. They Only Sell PEtrol. They DO not set the freaking price. ME? I am not blaming the Gov. I Blaming The World and Greed. farking greed..

teddy said...

Blame the cooperation!! They are rich we are poor!!


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