Monday, June 23, 2008

First MishaP !!

Yes, as the title says, today is my first bad luck ! Well not exactly my first bad luck with my recent car. What happen you may ask ? Well it was nothing big really, no blood or great fender bender or anything like that. Just a freaking flat tire.

I was walking to my car in the morning, getting ready to go to my university to attend my morning lecture, when i noticed that my car had a flat tire, more specifically my left rear tire. At first i thought that it was nothing and my tire does not have enough air or sumthing like that, because my that [articular tire has been giving me some trouble the past few month. Imagine this, when you were refilling the car tires with air, a constant lost of air around 4-5 psi, that is what was going on with my other 3 good tire. However my left rear tire would loss about 10-15 psi.

I wanted to send it for a checkup but thought of holding it back a few weeks more cause the car would be sent for the annual service in about 200 km more. So i left it like that, until today when it became a flat limp tire. So i had to take another car to my university and handed my car to a reliable person, my grandfather, to be sent to a workshop.

So after my lectures, i went back to get my car back. I was surprised to hear the cause of the flat tire was a really long nail that punctured my tire. After hearing that, somebody suggested that maybe someone intentionally punctured my car tire. Its plausible because of the trouble here i'm having in my neighborhood, really this neighborhood is not good if you want to mingle with your neighbors. Each of the keep to themselves. Ok , moving on, i, being a good person i am, did not jump to such conclusion and just take it that the nail was the problem tat has been causing the unnatural air lost to my car tire.

BUT ! yes there is a but. I really wanted to believe somebody did this to me. WHY ? cause i can run amok here just to relieve some stress, you know, for fun. HECK who does not want to run around shouting and cursing around a place that you dont like ? HAHAHA !

Well that is enough sharing from me today...... this post was made mainly because i was bored and having a headache trying to finish the tutorial that was given. OK ! CIAOZU !!


teddy said...

Rule 101! Remember shit happens!!
Nothing according to plan!


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