First of all, I'm gonna laugh at the title myself. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA ! OK ! Now that has gone away, I would tell you guys the reason why I'm using this type of title.
The reason is that some people have been asking am I single or not, some people are spreading rumors and such ( BAHA !!!!! ) nah juz kidding BAHA ~ Hahahaha ! I'm juz gonna clarify some things in post this time cause I'm tired of answering the same question again and again. I am single and no I don't have anyone in mind right now. Just enjoying my single life once again.
Yes, ONCE again. I was NOT single a few month back. I had a 23 year old girlfriend, Tera, but we broke it of cause she had a job offer overseas and she chose to take it and I ain't gonna stop her if she wants to make more of her work. We did talked about it and as I said we broke up, peacefully. No problems whatsoever, before some of you guys go, " 23 years old ?! She's freaking older than you !", I'm gonna say a very cliche phrase that I know most of you had heard of it a lot " Love has no boundaries, including age". Some of you might also ask, "Where did you guys met ?" I met her when I was 17 after SPM, I was working in an international bank, nothing big really, I had connections and wanted to try the office life. I got a job as the Head HR assistant then. She was my boss's subordinate and I was assigned to her a couple of times during my 3 month contract there. She was nice to me and I was delighted to work with her. She had the cutest face. C'mon what straight guy wont like working under someone cute/beautiful ? During my working period we were strictly business, although we had the occasional lunch date, and when I stopped working I didn't see her till a couple of months later. I was walking alone in a shopping mall in the weekends, trying to meet some people who was supposed to be there but didn't came ( yeah you guys at my hometown, you SOB's) but it was a blessing in disguise though. I met Tera again, and she was with some of the workers from the bank. Thank god everybody already knew me then, its a hassle introducing myself again. So we all went around the shopping mall together, ate together, had fun together. After having our dinner with everybody, I had to take my leave and she ask if I would like a ride home, cause I still haven't gotten my license yet at that time. I accepted and during the ride I confessed to her and that's how we met. That's all I'm gonna tell you guys.
That question has been answered so please stop bothering me with those questions again plz ! Another thing is that I don't want people to spread stupid rumors about me liking or being with someone. This type of thing would always lead to something bad and I know cause I've seen people get hurt cause of misunderstandings. So please stop with the rumors people, or some of you people like to use the term "menganjing" ! I don't mind you guys making fun of me, but only me. Besides, I've heard better insults than what you guys are throwing at me right now.
Just to clarify, I'm enjoying my single life right now, although I am lonely (lonely, I have nobody of my own ~) HAHAHAHHAHA ! THAT is the reason for my YM! status nibee !!!!
Orait ! Now that is out of the way, I would once again start to post the usual stupid things that I post around this place. What can I do, the blogs title is "The place where my thought are shared" and sharing I did ! ORAIT till next time ! CIAOZU !!
7 years ago